Feeding Your cat

Cat Care Guide- Feeding Your Cat

As we human need a proper, well-balanced diet. Cat is also needs well-balanced diet food. No matter where you have acquired your cat or kitten, you have taken on responsibility for its welfare and nothing is more important than correct feeding.
Lets we see the equipment for you to feeding your cat.


There are many different kinds of food bowl available, some better and more practical. Before that. lets look in where to put it. In my house there is a utility room. If you have it too, then that is the convenient place to put. If not, a tray containing foods and water bowls places on a spare work surface keeps everything in one place and out of the way.

1.Plastic Bowls- most common as they are durable, almost unbreakable and easy to

2.Metal Bowls- can be sterilized at a high temperature

3.Earthenware Bowls- solid and will not tip easily

4.Glass Bowls- pretty, one dropped they will break

5.Double Bowls-can hold food and water, save space

6.Time controlled- you can set time that the cat should be fed.

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