Cats Health Check

Cats Care Tips-Step by step to checks you cats. Simple health checks.

* We start from body of the cats. The tummy should feel full and soft; any hardness in this region could donate the presence of worm infestation.

* Then can check the coat. This should be clean and clear of parasites.

* If your cat has a long tail, then the tail should be straight without any sign of a kink.

* Checks the ears, it should be clean and free from parasites.

* Also the eyes show be clear and bright, without any trace of debris in the corneas.

* The mouth and gums should have a healthy pink tinge.

* And lastly, the anal with no trace of faecal matter.

Other points to check

Always look out for unusual lump or bump and bruise. Remember that your vet will usually only see your cat once a year (if you want to) for the check-up and boosters. Beside you know your cat better than anyone else because it lives with you twenty-four hour a day.

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