Your Cat Pregnant ? How to tell

Cat care tips-You should know about twenty-one days after you cat has been mated it has been successful or not.If you have no idea , then this should help;

- The pregnant queen will visibly plumper

-The nipples most apparent

-The nipples should be slightly swollen

-The nipples show a deep pink hue

Feeding-How Much and How Often

Cat care tips- The everage adult , neutered cat neede two meals each day.The amount of food needed depends on the size and build of the cat.

One meals of 250 grams(8oz) of canned cat food or half a large can is enough.If you want to give other than canned food, try freshly cooked fish or chicken with amount of 100 grams(3oz).

The Kitten- needs a similiar amount of food to adult cats, but it should separate over four meals a day.

The Older cat-needs also similiar amount like kitten and should spread over four meals to.

The pregnant-needs a diffrent diet with vitamin and mineral supplement.

Don,t let your cat becoming overweight. i fell that it's better for a cat slightly plump , if you are in doubt contact your vet.

Feeding Your cat

Cat Care Guide- Feeding Your Cat

As we human need a proper, well-balanced diet. Cat is also needs well-balanced diet food. No matter where you have acquired your cat or kitten, you have taken on responsibility for its welfare and nothing is more important than correct feeding.
Lets we see the equipment for you to feeding your cat.


There are many different kinds of food bowl available, some better and more practical. Before that. lets look in where to put it. In my house there is a utility room. If you have it too, then that is the convenient place to put. If not, a tray containing foods and water bowls places on a spare work surface keeps everything in one place and out of the way.

1.Plastic Bowls- most common as they are durable, almost unbreakable and easy to

2.Metal Bowls- can be sterilized at a high temperature

3.Earthenware Bowls- solid and will not tip easily

4.Glass Bowls- pretty, one dropped they will break

5.Double Bowls-can hold food and water, save space

6.Time controlled- you can set time that the cat should be fed.

Cats Health Check

Cats Care Tips-Step by step to checks you cats. Simple health checks.

* We start from body of the cats. The tummy should feel full and soft; any hardness in this region could donate the presence of worm infestation.

* Then can check the coat. This should be clean and clear of parasites.

* If your cat has a long tail, then the tail should be straight without any sign of a kink.

* Checks the ears, it should be clean and free from parasites.

* Also the eyes show be clear and bright, without any trace of debris in the corneas.

* The mouth and gums should have a healthy pink tinge.

* And lastly, the anal with no trace of faecal matter.

Other points to check

Always look out for unusual lump or bump and bruise. Remember that your vet will usually only see your cat once a year (if you want to) for the check-up and boosters. Beside you know your cat better than anyone else because it lives with you twenty-four hour a day.

Giving A Pill

Cat Care Tips-Giving a pill by hand.
With practice the following method is the simplest (I guess):

1. Open the mouth. Place your hand over the cat’s jaw, holding head back; with thumb and forefinger on the either side, push on the cheeks and mouth will open. (It’s easy with kitten)

2. Once open, with your other hand quickly shoot the pill as far back in the throat as possible.

3. Make sure the cats mouth heads up, shut the mouth and keep it closed with one hand, while closing the nostrils with the other. When you have seen the cat swallow, release your hands. It’s done!

Hiding the pill
Try concealing a pill in food so the cat takes the medication without realizing it. Use a small piece of favorite food, crush the pill and mix the two together to something size of a walnut. Make sure the cat eats it all. It’s done